Monday, January 21, 2019

Should I Buy New Tyres?

Ever crossed a mechanic who suggests you get new tyres for your vehicle by merely looking at them? They may say that your old tyres are no good. But don’t take that as Gospel! Read on to identify the 5 relevant reasons to get new tyres in Rotherham.

1. Uneven Wear: Wheels are inarguably the most critical component of your car. They are the only point of contact between the road and your vehicle, so they tend to wear. However, tyres do not wear evenly because the weight is unevenly distributed. Your vehicle’s configuration, driving pattern, and the road conditions affect the wear pattern. You can avoid uneven wear by swapping front and rear tyres. This spreads the load more evenly and doesn’t let it wear out entirely before the rest. However, if you still notice uneven wear, then look for the whole contact surface and outer edges of the tyre. A persistent hitch here should be remedied with new tyres.

2. Tread Bars to minimum depth: Change tyres if your tread depth goes beyond the safe driving limit which is generally 1.6mm.
Your vehicle can lose traction and grip on wet or icy roads due to worn down treads. It may even cut down the momentum building capacity of the car and reduce the necessary water discharge when the road is wet; during rains, you may even lose control of your vehicle. When the treads wear down to the lowest tyre wear indicator, breaking distance increases and it takes longer to stop on slick roads. It may also increase the risk of hydroplaning and cause an accident. Better change tyres in this case and drive safe.

3. Decreased Efficiency: If you feel that your vehicle is consuming more oil than usual, it may be time to check the tyres.
Worn out tyres need a significant amount of stress to be put on your axle and tyres to get moving. This makes your car work harder than usual and decreases fuel efficiency. Gas mileage decreases when the tread pattern on the old tyres becomes uneven. It’s probably time to replace old tyres with new ones if you start facing difficulty turning around the vehicle.

4. Frequent Bulge or a blister: If your tyres are blowing more often, then check the size of the sidewall or tread punctures. Prolonged use of failed tyres can be fatal for you and the people around. Puncture size larger than 0.64mm is beyond the scope of any repair. It could also be due to lacerations or other significant damage. Repairing tyres with puncture size larger than 1.6 mm will surely trap you with a flat tyre soon. So, if you suspect larger puncture sizes, get them professionally checked and buy a new one if needed.

5. Rough Driving: If you notice that your vehicle is moving unpredictably, turns are getting more difficult, or manoeuvring between lanes is getting tricky, it’s probably time to say goodbye to your old tyres. They also pose an imperceptible risk of sliding and skidding on treacherous roads with grit, snow, and water.

By paying attention to these telltale signs, you can identify the need for new tyres and get more bang for your buck. Our experts at ETS Auto Centre can provide car maintenance, repairs, and other servicing needs under one roof. Just bring your car to your nearest ETS Auto Centre, and we will diagnose and fix the problem areas.